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Question Are there any ESD mats made that do not out-gas sulfur (or any other solder impeding residue) onto the product, and what type of testing has been done? - Anonymous, Austin, TX
Answer The only products that we would recommend are the Statfree® T2. Because these products are made of a rubber compound and is cured at high temperatures, any out-gassing that may happen is exhausted during the curing process. Our rubber matting products don’t contain aluminum, magnesium or silica in the compounds. Because the Nitrile (butadiene acrylonitrile) compounds are resistant to many hydrocarbons and chemicals, it is an excellent choice for many work environments. We had the product tested by Seagate in Minneapolis MN. They approved our product for environmental, chemical and ESD. Seagate had forward us their report and have allowed us to use this information for other customers who may require information on the product. NOTE: For your specific usability, we would ask that you perform your own testing to determine if the product meets your criteria.
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