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Question The question I've received is does an ESD bag have to be sealed (especially with an ESD warning label), if the bag is folded close?

An ESD Metal-In or Metal-Out Bag provides shielding for ESD sensitive items enclosed in the bag. The bag opening must be closed, and should be sealed.

There two reasons for "sealing" the bag:

  1. Without complete closure, the bag will not completely provide "discharge shielding".
  2. The movement of the product within the bag can tribocharge or generate an electrostatic charge. When the bag is wrapped snugly around the product, movement within the bag will be curtailed, thus less charge generation.

It is very difficult to maintain a snug enclosure without the bag being securely folded around the product and sealed. While "sealing" can be achieved by either "zip-lock" closure or by heat-sealing, we recommend that the bag be snugly folded over the product and the bag opening fastened down using either an ESD sensitivity symbol adhesive label or "low-charging" ESD adhesive tape. If tape is used, we recommend that it be printed with the ESD sensitivity symbol. This identifies the tape used as "ESD Protective" and not a standard, high voltage generating tape, and identifies the contents as requiring ESD control handling.

Per ANSI/ESD S541 section 6.2 Outside an EPA "Transportation of sensitive products outside of an EPA shall require packaging that provides:

1. Low charge generation.

2. Dissipative or conductive materials for intimate contact.

3. A structure that provides electrostatic discharge shielding."

Included in the checklist in the ESD Handbook TR20.20 section ESD Packaging Materials "5. Are ESD protective packages properly closed? "

Per EOS/ESD S8.1 section 3.1 ESD Susceptibility Symbol Application states "The symbol may be incorporated on a sticker used to close or seal ESD protective packaging to indicate that materials inside the package are ESD susceptible."

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